He's stumbling toward the edge, he thinks he knows it all, or at least quite a lot,
The questions he once had, he's answered in his head, and he's his own god,
And maybe someday, when life is more than he can take, he'll lean on someone else,
But right now he's feeling swell, and there's no such thing as hell, and if there is it's just as well,
He'll get to that someday...
They're drawn toward death, oh hold them back,
They're staggering to slaughter, oh hold them back,
Like sheep without a shepherd, oh hold them back,
They wander in the desert, oh hold them back, hold them back!
She grew up in the faith, at least that's what she'd say, but the faith was never hers,
She went to Sunday School, but somewhere in all those rules, she missed His greatest treasure,
And right now she has no time, she can't have God in her life, she got enough of that back home,
And maybe someday, she'll get back in touch with her faith, and maybe she could even pray,
But not today...
They're drawn toward death, oh hold them back,
They're staggering to slaughter, oh hold them back,
Like sheep without a shepherd, oh hold them back,
They wander in the desert, oh hold them back,
They're living in rebellion, oh hold them back,
They need someone to tell them, oh hold them back,
Maybe they don't want to hear it, oh hold them back,
But we beg You Holy Spirit, please hold them back,
Hold them back, hold them back, hold them back, oooh...
Come to me, all the weary, and all the heavy laiden, and I will give you rest,
Seek my face, ask your questions, and I will be the answer, yes you can be born again,
There is hope for those in darkness, stumbling and lost, I will be the Light,
I'll hold them back from death and slaughter, the paths their lives are on, yes I will give new life,
Have compassion for your neighbor, struggling in sin, for you know what they lack,
Love them as yourself and give them every chance to turn, and you may hold them back...
Hold them back...
Music: It's kind of hard to explain my musical writing process. I knew that I wanted the song to have a weight to it. This is a heavy subject, these are real people's lives and eternal souls in the balance, and I wanted to find a musical counterpart for that, and the only way I know how is ambiguity. And by that I mean "putting a G chord into a song that's technically in A, but then the chorus has D as its base, and then there's also a bunch of minor chords in there...." I guess mostly what I did was try to make it sound sad, the way I feel when trying to get through to people who feel like they have no need for the gospel I cling to so strongly. But, as with all the songs on this album, amidst the sadness and the passion for their lostness and the pleading with them and with God, there is always hope. And so for the end I made a little progressive run of chords all the way back up to a high A, where I ended with the words of Jesus and a more happy and classic western chord progression of A-E-F#m-D. All's well that ends well, that's what I always say.
Lyrical Explanation: This song started with a moving plea from our Youth and Young Adult Pastor at North Harford Baptist Church. We were starting an initiative to invite people to our church using a new little card which was easy to give out, easy to store in a wallet, and mostly unobtrusive as a witnessing technique. Pastor Rob passionately pleaded with us to use these cards, to take them out with compassion for those around us, who had rejected the gospel of Christ, and needed the hope of salvation that only He could bring. Then he shared with us this verse from the book of Proverbs:
"Deliver those who are being taken away to death,
And those who are staggering to slaughter, Oh hold them back."
(Proverbs 24:11, NASB)
That really stuck with me. The passion in his message. The seriousness of the situation. The gravity of our mission to be holding back those who are drawn away towards death and slaughter. I thought about my own mission field at Towson University.
For those of you who don't know, I've spent the past year since my graduation working as an intern for the Baptist Campus Ministry at TU. It's been great ministry experience, I love the students, love my fellow staff members, love the job. I mostly do things like update the Facebook page, meet with students weekly, lead Bible Studies, bring in the projector for our main meetings, lead the worship team, go on doughnut runs, you know, regular intern stuff. But the most challenging part for me personally has always been mandatory personal evangelism. Not because I don't think it's important, I think it's one of the most important things we do as campus ministers, but because my personality is, well, not very outgoing. I would call myself more of an introvert pretending to be an extrovert than anything else, and so it's hard for me to go up to people I don't know and just start up a conversation. Of course, I have other staff members and students often come along with me, which lessens the burden, but it's still nerve-wracking every single time for me.
But like I said, it's important, and it leads to amazing conversations. Not all of the conversations go how you think they will, not everyone is as interested as some of the students you meet, but most will at least listen to what we have to say about what Jesus has done for us. Some conversations, like the specific ones this song is based on, last upwards of half an hour! We'll go back and forth answering questions, giving Scripture, explaining why we're here and all the things we do on campus, and more importantly Who we serve and all that He's done for us and for them. And then comes the hard part. Eventually there has to be a decision. I can't give my faith to anyone. I can only share what I know, what I believe, and Who has saved me, and trust God to work on hearts, but more often than not we walk away having planted or watered and not seeing the growth of change in these people.
Those are the stories in this song. A young man and woman which we talked to, one of whom thought he had it all figured out, and maybe he could use God as a crutch if things went poorly, but didn't need Him now, and the other grew up hearing all these things and knew the gospel, but had no desire to commit her life to Him, at least not right now. My heart broke in a new way for these people as I realized the weight of where they were in life. God was calling them. God was using us as a reminder of the gospel. But they were content. They didn't think they needed Him. That's the hardest part of the job. More than me having an introverted personality, which I can overcome by sheer willpower, is the knowledge that these young people will walk away without a saving faith in Christ, without hope for eternity. And that really was the inspiration for this song. People need the Lord, whether they realize it or not, and it's not my job to force them to believe anything, or make them see things my way, but to present them with the gospel, and plead with them to step away from death and slaughter.
But as always, there is hope. Jesus's invitation to come to Him is for all people, at all times, no matter how many times before they have rejected Him. He stands ready to save. Ready to take that burden. Ready to hold them back.
YouTube Version: So I recorded this a few months ago, right when we got a new piano, and when Louie was still alive, but just uploaded it today. Hope you enjoy! I'm wearing my humorous mustache shirt, so that's a plus...
Recorded Version: For the album version, I used open piano chords, soft guitar, and hit a wooden desk for percussion, and it actually doesn't sound too bad... I added some echo-y effects, and did some oohs and ahhhs, then spruced it up with a little fake violin for the end there. Take a listen in this link.
Conclusion: Well that's it! The last song explanation until you can buy the entire album this Saturday!!! Hope to see all your smiling faces there... Remember to tell me what song you'd like to know about, when you get your new album, you can pick a song that you'd like a full explanation of... Until then, keep on rockin, I know I will...
Singing off for now,
Justin Samuel Manry
Remember when I had a buzz cut? That was fun... |